Graduated Response Consultation

Finally we are really keen to get feedback about the Graduated Response and have a short questionnaire available for this open to 24th March.

We are working with the local area to ensure Torbay’s Graduated Response is fit for purpose and is used and understood by everyone, professionals and famlies alike.

If you have never heard of Torbay’s Graduated Response, don’t let that put you off from being part of the process. This is all about ensuring SEND children and young people get the right support from education, health and social care. 

With our partners we are running a series of information and question and answer sessions on each area of the Graduated Response. You can book on to these by following the event links. You can come to all or just any that are particularly relevant to you.

Each of the Sessions will have a tool kit, video and questionnaire which are uploaded below so you have a chance to read prior to or after the meeting.

If you can’t make any sessions, you can still review the toolkits, if you would like to discuss with someone please get in touch.

We think it is important that parent/carer voice is heard when designing these tools which will be used to support all our children with SEND in Torbay, therefore thankyou in advance for taking part.